Initiation to Racing and Friendly Dinner

Two of our members are extending the following invitation for Saturday August 21, 2021:
Initiation to racing
In preparation for the Art de Vries Memorial Race scheduled for Sunday, September 5, we propose to organize an introductory race this Saturday afternoon, August 21.
The objective is to initiate the novices in the field of sailing regattas or improve their skills. This race will have the following particularities:
- Reserved for novices (members who do not regularly participate in club races);
- The start will be staggered (not everyone at the same time) just like the Art de Vries race;
- If you wish, you can take an experienced racing member on board to assist you during the race.
If interested, please confirm your participation by filling out the following registration form below.
– Walter Bal
Friendly dinner
Normally, we would have liked to invite you to a potluck dinner, but due to current sanitary guidelines, this would not be appropriate.
We are therefore simply inviting anyone who would like to join us for a casual dinner at the club on Saturday, August 21, 2021 starting at 5:00 pm. Everyone will be responsible for preparing, or bringing, their own meal. We will take this opportunity to celebrate the return of social activities at the club and to get to know our new members.
We look forward to seeing you, as many club members have expressed a desire to resume social activities and to get to know the members of this great sailing club community.
No confirmation required for the dinner, just your presence and your good spirits!
– Damienne Boutonnet