Planning of end-of-season activities

Planning of end-of-season activities
Unfortunately our sailing season is coming to an end and it is now time to plan for work on the grounds, sailboat haul-outs and harbour closure.
As you may have noticed this summer, the harbour is full, including several new members, as well as new acquisitions from existing members. It is important to note that no new boats may be stored without the prior approval of the Membership Chairman and the Harbour Master.
We have posted on the club’s bulletin board the schedule for the October 16, 17, 22, 23 and 24 haul-outs. If your sailboat is not listed and you anticipate needing the services of the crane, please notify us as soon as possible. Just like last year, all boats under 28 feet must be demasted prior to haul-out.
Planning of work days
Before October 9th:
- All members should check and make sure their cradle and/or trailer are clearly identified with their membership number. This is a recurring problem, as each year many are not or are incorrectly identified. Also, the masts that are stored near the sheerleg must be identified with the member number. Unidentified masts will be sent for recycling.
- All members who own a trailer and/or occupy space in the dinghy area must notify the Membership Chairman of their storage intention.
- For the cradles that will not be moved, the member must clean up the space used by the cradle including grass cutting.
- We will need about a dozen volunteers for the October 9 workday, as the tasks to be performed are limited to cutting grass, moving cradles and possibly one or two boats with the crane. Members who participate will be excused from the workday scheduled for October 30. A sign-up list will be posted in the clubhouse bulletin board.
October 9 work day from 9 am to 5 pm:
- All locks installed on trailers must be removed so that they can be moved as needed during the day.
- Various jobs coordinated by the Groundskeeper and Harbour Master.
Haul-outs October 16,17, 22, 23 from 8 am to 5 pm:
Members who are scheduled on any given day must participate and be present from the first boat to the last. Tasks will be assigned starting at 8 am. The days will be busy, so please be on time.
Harbour closure Saturday, October 30th from 9 am to 4 pm:
Various tasks will be coordinated by the Harbour Master and the Clubhouse and Grounds Chairman. All members are expected to participate. If possible, bring your own gardening tools as the number of available club-owned tools is limited.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Yvon Tessier
Harbour Master