Proposed amendments to the Club bylaws

As most of you know, the Club bylaws are much the same since the Club was founded 55 years ago. Some minor amendments have been made, but no in-depth review has ever been completed.
In 2018, the Advisory Board undertook this review and submitted a working document to the Executive Committee in the summer of 2019. Subsequently, the Executive Committee formed a working group whose responsibility was to validate all proposals for modifications and make final recommendations.
Today we are submitting to you the fruit of this collective effort made by several members to update the Club bylaws. In summary, 25 articles are not affected, minor edits are made for 63 articles and, finally, major changes are proposed for 4 articles.
As the proposed amendments are substantial, we will be holding information sessions during which we will take the time to present the changes to you and answer your questions. Thereafter, a special general assembly will be convened in order to proceed to a vote by the members on this issue.
Important dates to remember:
- October 9 at 3 p.m. at the Clubhouse: Information session in French, open to all members.
- October 10 at 10 a.m. at the Clubhouse: Information session in English, open to all members.
- October 13 at 7:30 p.m. by videoconference: Special General Meeting
Best regards,
All members of the Executive Committee