Evolution of inflows and levels of Lake St. Louis
We have compiled the most relevant websites to follow the evolution of the inflows and the level of Lake St-Louis.
Through contacts, we even had everything validated by water specialists from Hydro-Québec. All web links have been validated, they are all active and up to date.
This document in PDF format is bilingual and each language (French, English) fits on a single page, perfect for your navigation binders!
Download the document Apports et niveaux – Inflows and levels
ps. Thanks to Robert Legault for his work on this very useful reference
we have unfortunately not generate the energy to engage the membership in the WAY TO motivate to fulfill the mission statement of the club. more EFFORATE IS NEEDED TO COMMUNITATE WITH MEMBERS THE STATE OF THEIR CLUB. WATER LEVELS ARE ONE THING ,, THE CLUB STATUS IS ANOTHER . TRANSPARENCY TO INVOLVE ALL MEMBERS IS REQUIREDFOR THE CLUB TO SURVIVE .